Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_File Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID chromosome_name start stop reference variant type gene_name transcript_name transcript_species transcript_source transcript_version strand transcript_status trv_type c_position amino_acid_change ucsc_cons domain all_domains deletion_substructures transcript_error NormalRefReads_WU NormalVarReads_WU NormalVAF_WU TumorRefReads_WU TumorVarReads_WU TumorVAF_WU RNARefReads_WU RNAVarReads_WU RNAVAF_WU WLS 0 36 1 68432309 68432309 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 G G G C G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 1 68432309 68432309 G C SNP GPR177 NM_001002292.1 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.290 p.P97R 0.975 NULL HMMPfam_DUF1171 - no_errors 274 5 1.79 198 88 30.66 NA NA NA TTN 0 36 2 179355792 179355792 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T C TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 T T T C T T Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 2 179355792 179355792 T C SNP TTN NM_133379.3 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.3086 p.Y1029C 1.000 HMMPfam_I-set,superfamily_SSF48726 PatternScan_THIOL_PROTEASE_HIS,PatternScan_IG_MHC,HMMSmart_IGc2,HMMSmart_IG,HMMPfam_I-set,HMMPfam_ig,HMMPfam_Titin_Z,superfamily_SSF48726 - no_errors 225 2 0.88 183 71 27.95 NA NA NA FRZB 0 36 2 183439321 183439321 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T C TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 T T T C T T Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 2 183439321 183439321 T C SNP FRZB NM_001463.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.205 p.I69V 1.000 superfamily_Frizzled cysteine-rich domain,HMMPfam_Fz,HMMSmart_SM00063 superfamily_Frizzled cysteine-rich domain,superfamily_TIMP-like,HMMPfam_NTR,HMMSmart_SM00643,HMMPfam_Fz,HMMSmart_SM00063 - no_errors 744 7 0.93 205 92 30.87 NA NA NA ALS2CR11 0 36 2 202109171 202109171 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 2 202109171 202109171 C T SNP ALS2CR11 NM_152525.4 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.1324 p.V442M 0.000 NULL NULL - no_errors 277 4 1.42 266 149 35.65 NA NA NA RBM46 0 36 4 155968543 155968543 + Silent SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 4 155968543 155968543 C T SNP RBM46 NM_144979.3 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated silent c.1476 p.S492 1.000 NULL HMMPfam_RRM_1,HMMSmart_RRM,superfamily_SSF54928 - no_errors 341 1 0.29 167 89 34.50 NA NA NA PCDHB1 0 36 5 140413003 140413003 + Silent SNP C C A TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C A C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 5 140413003 140413003 C A SNP PCDHB1 NM_013340.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 reviewed silent c.1764 p.T588 1.000 HMMPfam_Cadherin,superfamily_Cadherin HMMPfam_Cadherin,HMMSmart_CA,PatternScan_CADHERIN_1,HMMPfam_Cadherin_2,superfamily_Cadherin - no_errors 240 2 0.82 136 66 32.67 NA NA NA RCAN2 0 36 6 46298840 46298840 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 G G G C G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 6 46298840 46298840 G C SNP RCAN2 NM_005822.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.591 p.N197K 1.000 NULL HMMPfam_Calcipressin - no_errors 258 2 0.77 218 63 22.26 NA NA NA CLVS2 0 36 6 123426552 123426552 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 6 123426552 123426552 C T SNP RLBP1L2 NM_001010852.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 provisional missense c.931 p.R311C 1.000 NULL HMMPfam_CRAL_TRIO,HMMSmart_SM00516,superfamily_CRAL/TRIO domain,PatternScan_SUGAR_TRANSPORT_1,HMMPfam_CRAL_TRIO_N,superfamily_CRAL/TRIO N-terminal domain - no_errors 327 3 0.91 471 143 23.18 NA NA NA FKTN 0 36 9 107403451 107403451 + Splice_Site SNP G G T TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 G G G T G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 9 107403451 107403451 G T SNP FKTN NM_001079802.1 human genbank 54_36p +1 reviewed splice_site c.369+1 e3+1 1.000 - - - no_errors 162 1 0.61 314 102 24.52 NA NA NA GDF10 0 36 10 48049363 48049363 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 10 48049363 48049363 G A SNP GDF10 NM_004962.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.529 p.L177F 0.005 NULL HMMPfam_TGF_beta,HMMSmart_SM00204,PatternScan_TGF_BETA_1,superfamily_Cystine-knot cytokines - no_errors 85 1 1.16 30 24 44.44 NA NA NA IDH2 0 36 15 88432938 88432938 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T rs121913502 TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 15 88432938 88432938 C T SNP IDH2 NM_002168.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.419 p.R140Q 1.000 HMMPfam_Iso_dh,superfamily_Isocitrate/Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase-like HMMPfam_Iso_dh,PatternScan_IDH_IMDH,superfamily_Isocitrate/Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase-like - no_errors 50 1 1.92 49 22 30.99 NA NA NA ZNF236 0 36 18 72709732 72709732 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C G TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C G C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 18 72709732 72709732 C G SNP ZNF236 NM_007345.3 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated missense c.461 p.A154G 0.953 HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers - no_errors 308 2 0.65 154 71 31.14 NA NA NA ZNF324B 0 36 19 63659414 63659414 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 G G G A G G Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 19 63659414 63659414 G A SNP ZNF324B NM_207395.2 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated missense c.1291 p.G431S 0.719 HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers HMMPfam_KRAB,HMMSmart_SM00349,superfamily_KRAB domain (Kruppel-associated box Pfam 01352),HMMPfam_zf-C2H2,PatternScan_ZINC_FINGER_C2H2_1,HMMSmart_SM00355,superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers - no_errors 207 6 2.82 54 21 28.00 NA NA NA ASXL1 0 36 20 30488419 30488419 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP C C T TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C T C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 20 30488419 30488419 C T SNP ASXL1 NM_015338.4 human genbank 54_36p +1 reviewed nonsense c.4243 p.R1415* 1.000 NULL NULL - no_errors 86 0 0.00 35 19 35.19 NA NA NA RUNX1 0 36 21 35153747 35153747 + Splice_Site SNP T T G TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 T T T G T T Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 21 35153747 35153747 T G SNP RUNX1 NM_001754.2 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed splice_site c.509-2 e5-2 1.000 - - - no_errors 128 0 0.00 90 72 44.44 NA NA NA UQCR10 0 36 22 28493401 28493401 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A TCGA-AB-2907-03A-01D-0739-09 TCGA-AB-2907-11A-01D-0739-09 C C C A C C Verified Valid Somatic Phase_IV WXS Hybrid_Capture_Illumina_Seq 1 dbGAP Illumina HiSeq 0f0881a0-c9bc-4636-a99f-36551df20deb a29c2d2b-1e78-443f-aac3-def013f368ca 22 28493401 28493401 C A SNP UCRC NM_013387.1 human genbank 54_36p +1 validated missense c.14 p.T5K 0.003 superfamily_Ubiquinol_cytC_Reductase_QCR9 HMMPfam_UCR_UQCRX_QCR9,superfamily_Ubiquinol_cytC_Reductase_QCR9 - no_errors 141 1 0.70 75 40 34.78 NA NA NA