Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_position End_position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_file Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID chromosome_name start stop reference variant type gene_name transcript_name transcript_species transcript_source transcript_version strand transcript_status trv_type c_position amino_acid_change ucsc_cons domain all_domains deletion_substructures transcript_error RAG1AP1 55974 36 1 153377158 153377158 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 153377158 153377158 G A SNP RAG1AP1 NM_018845 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated nonsense c.524 p.W175* 1 NULL - - no_errors ASH1L 55870 36 1 153614790 153614792 + In_Frame_Del DEL TCA TCA - Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 TCA TCA TCA - TCA TCA Unknown Valid Somatic Phase_III Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 153614790 153614792 TCA - DEL ASH1L NM_018489 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed in_frame_del c.6238_6236 p.D2079in_frame_del 1.000:1.000:1.000 NULL - (deletion:cds_exon[153614696,153614804]) no_errors OR10J1 26476 36 1 157602839 157602839 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 157602839 157602839 A G SNP OR10J1 ENST00000328408 human ensembl 54_36p 1 known missense c.265 p.S89G NULL - - no_stop_codon FAM129A 116496 36 1 183031338 183031338 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 183031338 183031338 G C SNP FAM129A NM_052966 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.2183 p.P728R 0 NULL superfamily_PH domain-like - no_errors FAM129A 116496 36 1 183031339 183031339 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 183031339 183031339 G T SNP FAM129A NM_052966 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.2182 p.P728T 0 NULL superfamily_PH domain-like - no_errors USH2A 7399 36 1 214658565 214658565 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 214658565 214658565 G A SNP USH2A NM_206933 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.565 p.R189C 1 NULL - - no_errors HYI 81888 36 1 43690208 43690208 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 1 43690208 43690208 C T SNP HYI NM_031207 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.271 p.D91N 1 HMMPfam_AP_endonuc_2 HMMPfam_AP_endonuc_2;superfamily_Xylose isomerase-like - no_errors NMT2 9397 36 10 15201474 15201474 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 15201474 15201474 G C SNP NMT2 NM_004808 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.1044 p.I348M 1 NULL - - no_errors ARHGAP21 57584 36 10 24914568 24914568 + Silent SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 24914568 24914568 C T SNP ARHGAP21 NM_020824 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.4653 p.T1551 0.55 NULL HMMPfam_RhoGAP;HMMPfam_PDZ;superfamily_PDZ domain-like;HMMPfam_PH;superfamily_GTPase activation domain GAP;superfamily_PH domain-like - no_errors BMS1 9790 36 10 42609420 42609420 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 42609420 42609420 G T SNP BMS1 NM_014753 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.1204 p.G402W 1 NULL HMMPfam_DUF663;HMMPfam_AARP2CN;superfamily_P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases - no_errors AGAP7 653268 36 10 51134838 51134838 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G Unknown Unknown Somatic 4 Capture 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 51134838 51134838 G A SNP AGAP7 NM_001077685 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.1624 p.R542W 1 NULL - - no_errors LOC338611 338611 36 10 72224212 72224212 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 72224212 72224212 C T SNP LOC338611 XM_001130386 human genbank 54_36p -1 model missense c.74 p.C25Y 1 NULL - - pseudogene GATA3 2625 36 10 8140557 8140557 + Silent SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 10 8140557 8140557 G A SNP GATA3 NM_001002295 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated silent c.525 p.S175 0.875 NULL GATA,HMMPfam_GATA,Glucocorticoid receptor-like (DNA-binding domain),superfamily_Glucocorticoid receptor-like (DNA-binding domain) - no_errors SORL1 6653 36 11 120926506 120926506 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 11 120926506 120926506 A G SNP SORL1 NM_003105 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.2183 p.Y728C 1 NULL HMMPfam_Ldl_recept_b;HMMPfam_Ldl_recept_a;HMMPfam_BNR;HMMPfam_fn3;superfamily_Fibronectin type III;superfamily_Oligoxyloglucan reducing end-specific cellobiohydrolase;superfamily_EGF/Laminin;superfamily_LDL receptor-like module;superfamily_YWTD domain - no_errors OR8U1 219417 36 11 55899806 55899806 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 11 55899806 55899806 G A SNP OR8U1 NM_001005204 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional missense c.131 p.G44D NULL - - no_errors SLC22A8 9376 36 11 62523831 62523831 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C G C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 11 62523831 62523831 C G SNP SLC22A8 NM_004254 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.497 p.G166A NULL - - no_errors MALAT1 378938 36 11 65025006 65025006 + RNA SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 11 65025006 65025006 G T SNP MALAT1 NR_002819 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional rna NULL NULL 1 - - - no_errors FAT3 120114 36 11 92207751 92207751 + Silent SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 11 92207751 92207751 C A SNP FAT3 NM_001008781 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated silent c.9939 p.A3313 0.95 NULL - - no_errors FAIM2 23017 36 12 48569235 48569235 + Silent SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 12 48569235 48569235 G A SNP FAIM2 NM_012306 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.669 p.C223 1 NULL - - no_errors SMARCD1 6602 36 12 48778839 48778839 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 12 48778839 48778839 G A SNP SMARCD1 NM_003076 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.1468 p.A490T 1 NULL - - no_errors DGKA 1606 36 12 54620413 54620413 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 12 54620413 54620413 G T SNP DGKA NM_001345 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.847 p.D283Y 1 HMMPfam_C1_1 HMMPfam_DAGK_acc;HMMPfam_DAGK_cat;HMMPfam_efhand;HMMPfam_C1_1;superfamily_EF-hand;superfamily_Cysteine-rich domain - no_errors SLC2A3 6515 36 12 7977757 7977757 + Silent SNP T T C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T C T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 12 7977757 7977757 T C SNP SLC2A3 NM_006931 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.24 p.P8 NULL HMMPfam_Sugar_tr;superfamily_MFS general substrate transporter - no_errors HTR2A 3356 36 13 46307197 46307197 + Missense_Mutation SNP G C C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G C C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 13 46307197 46307197 G C SNP HTR2A NM_000621 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.1192 p.Q398E 1 NULL HMMPfam_7tm_1;superfamily_Family A G protein-coupled receptor-like - no_errors DZIP1 22873 36 13 95075051 95075051 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP A A T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A T A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 13 95075051 95075051 A T SNP DZIP1 NM_198968 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated nonsense c.944 p.L315* 1 NULL HMMPfam_zf-C2H2;superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers - no_errors BRF1 2972 36 14 104755051 104755051 + Silent SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 14 104755051 104755051 G T SNP BRF1 NM_001519 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.1647 p.A549 0.146 NULL superfamily_Cyclin-like,HMMPfam_BRF1,HMMPfam_TFIIB_Zn_Ribbon,HMMPfam_TFIIB,superfamily_Zinc beta-ribbon - no_errors OR11H12 440153 36 14 18447700 18447700 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 14 18447700 18447700 G A SNP OR11H12 NM_001013354 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional nonsense c.107 p.W36* NULL - - no_errors SIPA1L1 26037 36 14 71125433 71125433 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C G C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 14 71125433 71125433 C G SNP SIPA1L1 NM_015556 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional missense c.1091 p.S364C 0.99 NULL HMMPfam_Rap_GAP;HMMPfam_PDZ;superfamily_PDZ domain-like;superfamily_Rap/Ran-GAP (Pfam 02145) - no_errors LINS 55180 36 15 98938528 98938528 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 15 98938528 98938528 C A SNP LINS1 NM_001040614 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.43 p.V15L 0.99 NULL - - no_errors MYO18A 399687 36 17 24472330 24472330 + Missense_Mutation SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 17 24472330 24472330 C T SNP MYO18A NM_078471 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.1397 p.R466Q 1 HMMPfam_Myosin_head HMMPfam_Myosin_head;superfamily_Regulator of G-protein signaling RGS;superfamily_P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases;HMMPfam_IQ;HMMPfam_PDZ;superfamily_PDZ domain-like - no_errors LRRC37B 114659 36 17 27400349 27400349 + Silent SNP A A G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 17 27400349 27400349 A G SNP LRRC37B NM_052888 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated silent c.2499 p.T833 0.01 NULL - - no_errors LHX1 3975 36 17 32371784 32371784 + Silent SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 17 32371784 32371784 C T SNP LHX1 NM_005568 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed silent c.255 p.H85 1 HMMPfam_LIM HMMPfam_Homeobox;HMMPfam_LIM;superfamily_Homeodomain-like;superfamily_Glucocorticoid receptor-like (DNA-binding domain) - no_errors CCDC45 90799 36 17 59953772 59953772 + Missense_Mutation SNP G C C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G C C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 17 59953772 59953772 G C SNP CCDC45 NM_138363 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional missense c.1234 p.D412H NULL - - no_errors TP53 7157 36 17 7519179 7519179 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 17 7519179 7519179 G A SNP TP53 NM_000546 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.476 p.A159V 1 HMMPfam_P53 superfamily_p53-like transcription factors;superfamily_p53 tetramerization domain;P53_tetramer;HMMPfam_P53_tetramer;P53;HMMPfam_P53;P53_TAD;HMMPfam_P53_TAD - no_errors LAMA3 3909 36 18 19741770 19741770 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 18 19741770 19741770 C A SNP LAMA3 NM_198129 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.6888 p.N2296K HMMPfam_Laminin_II HMMPfam_Laminin_B;HMMPfam_Laminin_EGF;HMMPfam_Laminin_N;superfamily_Galactose-binding domain-like;superfamily_Concanavalin A-like lectins/glucanases;HMMPfam_Laminin_I;HMMPfam_Laminin_II;HMMPfam_Laminin_G_2;superfamily_Spectrin repeat;superfamily_EGF/Laminin - no_errors NOL4 8715 36 18 30057084 30057084 + Missense_Mutation SNP C A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C A A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 18 30057084 30057084 C A SNP NOL4 NM_003787 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.132 p.E44D 1 NULL - - no_errors CXXC1 30827 36 18 46065702 46065702 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 18 46065702 46065702 G C SNP CXXC1 NM_001101654 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.657 p.F219L 1 NULL - - no_errors LOC728115 728115 36 18 55834885 55834893 + RNA DEL AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA - Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA - AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA Unknown Valid Somatic Phase_III Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 18 55834885 55834893 AAAAAAAAA - DEL LOC728115 XR_038858 human genbank 54_36p -1 model rna NULL NULL 0.023:0.025:0.028:0.029:0.031:0.032:0.033:0.033:0.033 - - (deletion:rna[55832836,55835854]) pseudogene CDH7 1005 36 18 61698977 61698977 + Missense_Mutation SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 18 61698977 61698977 C T SNP CDH7 NM_004361 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.2225 p.A742V 1 HMMPfam_Cadherin_C HMMPfam_Cadherin_C;HMMPfam_Cadherin;superfamily_Cadherin-like - no_errors PKN1 5585 36 19 14441797 14441797 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 14441797 14441797 G A SNP PKN1 NM_213560 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.2308 p.E770K 1 HMMPfam_Pkinase HMMPfam_Pkinase;HMMPfam_HR1;HMMPfam_Pkinase_C;superfamily_C2 domain (Calcium/lipid-binding domain CaLB);superfamily_Protein kinase-like (PK-like);superfamily_HR1 repeat - no_errors MYO9B 4650 36 19 17144721 17144721 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 17144721 17144721 G C SNP MYO9B NM_004145 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.2089 p.V697L 1 NULL HMMPfam_IQ;HMMPfam_RA;HMMPfam_RhoGAP;HMMPfam_Myosin_head;HMMPfam_C1_1;superfamily_GTPase activation domain GAP;superfamily_P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases;superfamily_Cysteine-rich domain - no_errors GMIP 51291 36 19 19606667 19606667 + Silent SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 19606667 19606667 C T SNP GMIP NM_016573 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.1821 p.A607 0.33 NULL - - no_errors CLIP3 25999 36 19 41200644 41200644 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 41200644 41200644 C T SNP CLIP3 NM_015526 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.1273 p.A425T 1 NULL - - no_errors RYR1 6261 36 19 43767482 43767482 + Silent SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 43767482 43767482 C T SNP RYR1 NM_000540 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed silent c.14706 p.I4902 0.96 HMMPfam_Ion_trans HMMPfam_RYDR_ITPR;HMMPfam_RyR;HMMPfam_MIR;HMMPfam_SPRY;HMMPfam_Ion_trans;HMMPfam_RR_TM4-6;HMMPfam_RIH_assoc;HMMPfam_Ins145_P3_rec;superfamily_EF-hand;superfamily_MIR domain (Pfam 02815) - no_errors DHX34 9704 36 19 52553216 52553216 + Splice_Site SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 52553216 52553216 G C SNP DHX34 NM_014681 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed splice_site c.1272+1 e3+1 1 - - - no_errors TRPM4 54795 36 19 54384063 54384063 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T C T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 54384063 54384063 T C SNP TRPM4 NM_017636 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional missense c.1922 p.L641P 0.45 NULL - - no_errors NLRP13 126204 36 19 61114937 61114937 + Silent SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 61114937 61114937 C T SNP NLRP13 NM_176810 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.2058 p.K686 0.04 NULL HMMPfam_LRR_1;HMMPfam_PAAD_DAPIN;HMMPfam_NACHT;superfamily_DEATH domain;superfamily_RNI-like;superfamily_P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases - no_errors RIF1 55183 36 2 152028439 152028439 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 152028439 152028439 A G SNP RIF1 NM_018151 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.4159 p.N1387D 1 NULL superfamily_ARM repeat - no_errors TTN 7273 36 2 179163234 179163234 + Silent SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 179163234 179163234 C A SNP TTN ENST00000375038 human ensembl 54_36p -1 known silent c.49407 p.V16469 0.64 NULL - - no_errors STAT4 6775 36 2 191630994 191630994 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 191630994 191630994 G A SNP STAT4 NM_003151 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.1201 p.H401Y 1 HMMPfam_STAT_bind HMMPfam_SH2;superfamily_p53-like transcription factors;HMMPfam_STAT_int;superfamily_Transcription factor STAT-4 N-domain;HMMPfam_STAT_alpha;HMMPfam_STAT_bind;superfamily_STAT;superfamily_SH2 domain - no_errors ZDBF2 57683 36 2 206880159 206880159 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 206880159 206880159 G A SNP ZDBF2 NM_020923 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.2662 p.E888K NULL - - no_errors PIKFYVE 200576 36 2 208898536 208898536 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 208898536 208898536 C A SNP PIP5K3 NM_015040 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.2756 p.P919H 0.02 HMMPfam_Cpn60_TCP1 "HMMPfam_FYVE;HMMPfam_DEP;HMMPfam_Cpn60_TCP1;HMMPfam_PIP5K;superfamily_FYVE/PHD zinc finger;superfamily_""Winged helix"" DNA-binding domain;superfamily_Spectrin repeat;superfamily_GroEL apical domain-like;superfamily_GroEL-intermediate domain like;superfamily_SAICAR synthase-like" - no_errors TUBA4B 80086 36 2 219844504 219844504 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 219844504 219844504 G A SNP TUBA4B ENST00000295766 human ensembl 54_36p 1 known missense c.565 p.V189M 1 NULL - - no_errors COL4A4 1286 36 2 227667198 227667206 + In_Frame_Del DEL GGAAGCCCA GGAAGCCCA - Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 GGAAGCCCA GGAAGCCCA GGAAGCCCA - GGAAGCCCA GGAAGCCCA Unknown Valid Somatic Phase_III Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 227667198 227667206 GGAAGCCCA - DEL COL4A4 NM_000092 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed in_frame_del c.1256_1248 p.LPG418in_frame_del 0.899:0.912:0.886:0.793:0.455:0.432:0.576:0.581:0.508 HMMPfam_Collagen HMMPfam_Collagen,superfamily_C-type lectin-like,HMMPfam_C4 (deletion:cds_exon[227667085,227667249]) no_errors UGT1A9 54600 36 2 234245851 234245851 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 234245851 234245851 G A SNP UGT1A9 NM_021027 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.532 p.E178K 0.01 NULL - - no_errors FOSL2 2355 36 2 28485223 28485223 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 2 28485223 28485223 G A SNP FOSL2 NM_005253 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.448 p.E150K 1 NULL - - no_errors MACROD2 140733 36 20 15791439 15791439 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A C A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 20 15791439 15791439 A C SNP MACROD2 NM_080676 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.695 p.Y232S 1 NULL - - no_errors FAM113A 64773 36 20 2767116 2767116 + Silent SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 20 2767116 2767116 G A SNP FAM113A NM_022760 human genbank 54_36p -1 predicted silent c.603 p.P201 1 NULL - - no_errors KCNE1 3753 36 21 34743419 34743419 + Silent SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 21 34743419 34743419 G T SNP KCNE1 NM_000219 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.384 p.S128 HMMPfam_ISK_Channel HMMPfam_ISK_Channel - no_errors IGLV3-12 28802 36 22 21444931 21444931 + Missense_Mutation SNP G A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G A A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 22 21444931 21444931 G A SNP IGLV3-12 ENST00000390313 human ensembl 54_36p 1 known missense c.203 p.S68N NULL - - no_stop_codon:bad_bp_length_for_coding_region CLTCL1 8218 36 22 17555514 17555514 + Nonstop_Mutation SNP C A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C A A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 22 17555514 17555514 C A SNP CLTCL1 NM_007098 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed nonstop c.4412 p.*1471L 1 NULL - - pseudogene:no_stop_codon:bad_bp_length_for_coding_region CYTH4 27128 36 22 36025279 36025279 + Silent SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 22 36025279 36025279 C T SNP CYTH4 NM_013385 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed silent c.420 p.L140 1 NULL HMMPfam_Sec7;superfamily_Sec7 domain;HMMPfam_PH;superfamily_PH domain-like - no_errors SENP7 57337 36 3 102563275 102563275 + Nonsense_Mutation SNP T T A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T A T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 102563275 102563275 T A SNP SENP7 NM_020654 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated nonsense c.1597 p.K533* 1 NULL - - no_errors TMEM39A 55254 36 3 120663521 120663521 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T A T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 120663521 120663521 T A SNP TMEM39A NM_018266 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.91 p.N31Y 1 NULL - - no_errors SLC12A8 84561 36 3 126379494 126379494 + Silent SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 126379494 126379494 G T SNP SLC12A8 NM_024628 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.405 p.A135 1 NULL - - no_errors KRT18P17 344866 36 3 12804345 12804345 + RNA SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 12804345 12804345 C T SNP KRT18P17 XR_016516 human genbank 54_36p -1 model rna NULL NULL 0.48 - - - pseudogene RASA2 5922 36 3 142731291 142731291 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C G C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 142731291 142731291 C G SNP RASA2 NM_006506 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.407 p.T136S 1 NULL - - no_errors LRRC15 131578 36 3 195562775 195562775 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 195562775 195562775 C T SNP LRRC15 NM_130830 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.293 p.R98Q 0.91 NULL - - no_errors USP19 10869 36 3 49123457 49123457 + Missense_Mutation SNP C T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C T T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 3 49123457 49123457 C T SNP USP19 NM_006677 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.3166 p.G1056S 1 NULL - - no_errors ENSG00000210307 0 36 15 30974745 30974745 + RNA SNP T T A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T A T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 15 30974745 30974745 T A SNP ENSG00000210307 ENST00000387572 human ensembl 54_36p 1 novel rna NULL NULL - - - pseudogene HSPA4L 22824 36 4 128934695 128934695 + Silent SNP T C C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T C C T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 4 128934695 128934695 T C SNP HSPA4L NM_014278 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional silent c.121 p.L41 1 NULL - - no_errors DCK 1633 36 4 72106954 72106954 + Missense_Mutation SNP A A G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 4 72106954 72106954 A G SNP DCK NM_000788 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.214 p.T72A 1 NULL HMMPfam_dNK;superfamily_P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolases - no_errors LCP2 3937 36 5 169612768 169612768 + Missense_Mutation SNP G T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G T T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 5 169612768 169612768 G T SNP LCP2 NM_005565 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.1178 p.A393D NULL HMMPfam_SH2;superfamily_SAM/Pointed domain;HMMPfam_SAM_2;superfamily_SH2 domain - no_errors ARL10 285598 36 5 175731417 175731417 + Missense_Mutation SNP G C C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G C C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 5 175731417 175731417 G C SNP ARL10 NM_173664 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.648 p.L216F 1 NULL - - no_errors ZFP2 80108 36 5 178291490 178291490 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G C novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G C G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 5 178291490 178291490 G C SNP ZFP2 NM_030613 human genbank 54_36p 1 provisional missense c.570 p.E190D 0.59 NULL - - no_errors MIR1283-2 100302205 36 19 58953336 58953336 + RNA SNP G T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G T T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 19 58953336 58953336 G T SNP MIRN1283-2 ENST00000408621 human ensembl 54_36p 1 known rna NULL NULL - - - no_errors RWDD1 51389 36 6 117020913 117020913 + Missense_Mutation SNP C A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C A A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 117020913 117020913 C A SNP RWDD1 NM_015952 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.688 p.P230T 1 NULL - - no_errors RWDD1 51389 36 6 117020914 117020914 + Missense_Mutation SNP C A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C A A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 117020914 117020914 C A SNP RWDD1 NM_015952 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.689 p.P230Q 1 NULL - - no_errors FAM184A 79632 36 6 119366432 119366432 + Missense_Mutation SNP C G G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C G G C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 119366432 119366432 C G SNP FAM184A NM_024581 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.1870 p.E624Q 1 NULL - - no_errors HIST1H4L 8368 36 6 27949195 27949195 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 27949195 27949195 C T SNP HIST1H4L NM_003546 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.73 p.D25N 1 NULL - - no_errors IRF4 3662 36 6 350067 350067 + Silent SNP G A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G A A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 350067 350067 G A SNP IRF4 NM_002460 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated silent c.1149 p.V383 1 NULL "HMMPfam_IRF;superfamily_SMAD/FHA domain;superfamily_""Winged helix"" DNA-binding domain" - no_errors STK38 11329 36 6 36574199 36574199 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T G T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 6 36574199 36574199 T G SNP STK38 NM_007271 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.995 p.K332T 1 HMMPfam_Pkinase HMMPfam_Pkinase;HMMPfam_Pkinase_C;superfamily_Protein kinase-like (PK-like) - no_errors LAMB1 3912 36 7 107359937 107359937 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 7 107359937 107359937 G A SNP LAMB1 NM_002291 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.4310 p.A1437V 0.97 NULL superfamily_EGF/Laminin;HMMPfam_Laminin_EGF;HMMPfam_Laminin_N;superfamily_Galactose-binding domain-like;superfamily_Prefoldin - no_errors KEL 3792 36 7 142351551 142351551 + Missense_Mutation SNP G G A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 7 142351551 142351551 G A SNP KEL NM_000420 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.1472 p.A491V 0.01 NULL - - no_errors ABP1 26 36 7 150185135 150185135 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 7 150185135 150185135 C A SNP ABP1 NM_001091 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.644 p.T215N 0.98 HMMPfam_Cu_amine_oxidN3 HMMPfam_Cu_amine_oxid;superfamily_Amine oxidase catalytic domain;HMMPfam_Cu_amine_oxidN2;HMMPfam_Cu_amine_oxidN3;superfamily_Amine oxidase N-terminal region - no_errors ZNF479 90827 36 7 57192030 57192030 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C Unknown Unknown Somatic 4 Capture 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 7 57192030 57192030 C G SNP ZNF479 NM_033273 human genbank 54_36p -1 provisional missense c.1034 p.R345T 0 NULL - - no_errors MTUS1 57509 36 8 17656868 17656868 + Silent SNP G A A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G A A G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 8 17656868 17656868 G A SNP MTUS1 NM_001001924 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed silent c.729 p.Y243 NULL superfamily_Ferritin-like - no_errors LOC392242 392242 36 8 86743395 86743395 + RNA SNP A A G Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A A G A A Unknown Valid Somatic Phase_III Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 8 86743395 86743395 A G SNP LOC392242 XR_041124 human genbank 54_36p -1 model rna NULL NULL 1 - - - pseudogene TMEM67 91147 36 8 94837224 94837224 + Missense_Mutation SNP A G G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 A A G G A A Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 8 94837224 94837224 A G SNP TMEM67 NM_153704 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.236 p.N79S 1 NULL - - no_errors ZCCHC6 79670 36 9 88127785 88127785 + Silent SNP G G T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G G T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 9 88127785 88127785 G T SNP ZCCHC6 NM_024617 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated silent c.2700 p.G900 NULL HMMPfam_zf-CCHC;HMMPfam_PAP_assoc;HMMPfam_NTP_transf_2;superfamily_C2H2 and C2HC zinc fingers;superfamily_Retrovirus zinc finger-like domains;superfamily_Nucleotidyltransferase;superfamily_PAP/OAS1 substrate-binding domain - no_errors TSTD2 158427 36 9 99408281 99408281 + Missense_Mutation SNP G T T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 G G T T G G Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 9 99408281 99408281 G T SNP C9orf97 NM_139246 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.919 p.L307I 1 NULL - - no_errors IRS4 8471 36 X 107863869 107863869 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C T novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C T C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa X 107863869 107863869 C T SNP IRS4 NM_003604 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.2362 p.A788T 1 NULL HMMPfam_PH;HMMPfam_IRS;superfamily_PH domain-like - no_errors ZNF449 203523 36 X 134321554 134321554 + Missense_Mutation SNP C C A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 C C C A C C Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa X 134321554 134321554 C A SNP ZNF449 NM_152695 human genbank 54_36p 1 validated missense c.631 p.Q211K NULL - - no_errors SLC9A7 84679 36 X 46406502 46406502 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T G novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T G T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa X 46406502 46406502 T G SNP SLC9A7 NM_032591 human genbank 54_36p -1 reviewed missense c.934 p.T312P 1 HMMPfam_Na_H_Exchanger HMMPfam_Na_H_Exchanger - no_errors CLCN5 1184 36 X 49737438 49737438 + Missense_Mutation SNP T T A novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 T T T A T T Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa X 49737438 49737438 T A SNP CLCN5 NM_000084 human genbank 54_36p 1 reviewed missense c.785 p.V262E 1 HMMPfam_Voltage_CLC HMMPfam_CBS;HMMPfam_Voltage_CLC;superfamily_CBS-domain;superfamily_Clc chloride channel - no_errors PHLPP2 23035 36 16 70294104 70294105 + Missense_Mutation DNP TC TC AA novel Unknown TCGA-23-1021-01B-01W-0488-09 TCGA-23-1021-10A-01W-0488-09 TC TC TC AA TC TC Unknown Valid Somatic 4 Capture 454_PCR_WGA 1 dbGAP Illumina GAIIx 4f14d366-4750-471f-98a1-a01934365ee1 88c16b55-b357-4328-ace7-6e5cab2f75aa 16 70294104 70294105 TC AA DNP PHLPPL NM_015020 human genbank 54_36p -1 validated missense c.316_315 p.QI105HF 1.000:1.000 NULL superfamily_PH domain-like,superfamily_L domain-like,HMMSmart_SM00364,HMMSmart_SM00369,HMMPfam_LRR_1,superfamily_Protein serine/threonine phosphatase 2C catalytic domain,HMMSmart_SM00332,HMMPfam_PP2C - no_errors